October 6, 2011

Thoughts on Facebook

I want to state some random thoughts on Facebook. For the record, I use Facebook quite often, to share thoughts, ideas, and pass along information. WHEN USED PROPERLY, it is a WONDERFUL tool.

However, people have slammed Facebook for giving out too much information, which is a typical American response. Place the blame somewhere else instead of taking responsibility for a personal error. Yes, I'm saying it is not Facebook's error! It is on the individual that puts the information in the public domain. Here are examples of what I mean:

1. There have been complaints of Facebook selling data to third-party companies. OK, Facebook shouldn't sell profile data, but, if a user was STUPID enough to publish private data, that's a consequence of their action (yes, I know that consequences are a concept foreign to American society today).

2. A lot of people use Facebook to publish private family information. In the process, some families find out what is going on in the family BEFORE a personal interaction occurs.

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