May 10, 2008

Ramblings of the Inane Mind

I haven't touched this blog in awhile. It is not that I haven't found a multitude of items to discuss. Trust me, there is more than enough for ten blogs. Let me name a few:

1. The 2008 primary election - I'm satisfied with the results. Obama won! That's great. Mrs. Clinton was a strong campaigner, but she showed her true colors this primary cycle, that of a person who will do ANYTHING at ANY cost to win. Of course, she learned that from her husband. Fortunately, the Clintons have been relegated to the trash heap of history, at least for the time being.

2. Pennsylvania - I am always left with a multitude of things to say about the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, both good and bad. Another time and place for that.

3. Lansdale School of Business (LSB) - I started attending LSB (on November 12th) to get my diploma in Technical Support Specialist (TSS). Between the curriculum, students, and staff, there is enough material for a book. .....To be continued.

4. Discrimination - I am TRULY AMAZED that women can legally discrimate against men now. I encounter this type of prejudice on a DAILY basis.

5. Curmudgeon - I am finding that, as I get older, my outlook on life becomes crabbier. I am becoming one of the people that other people have to "deal with".

6. Movie Collection - I am currently working my way through SEINFELD (Season 8 now) and FRASIER (Season 11 now). I have also watched an outstanding movie Das Experiment (an absolutely outstanding movie (claustrophobic, terrifying, disturbing....yes, but still good).

7. Pacific Northwest - I'm still VERY homesick. By the way, in case anyone is interested, I regard my hometown as Oak Harbor, WA (a small community on Whidbey Island, by the Canadian border), not Fort Wayne, IN. It might be semantics, but WA is where my heart is.

So, now back to life, for the time being. See you at my next post.