January 14, 2005

Interesting Discovery

I had read an interesting article on www.fortwayne.com. In Fort Wayne IN (my former residence), the city had replaced a lot of the old stoplights with new LED lights. These are supposedly brighter and save electricity, which more than makes up for them being more expensive. They had replaced a small fraction of the lights and the electricity bill for these lights went down from 28K a month to 21K.

I had gotten to wondering if they had similar bulbs for residential use. So I went to the nearest Big Lots. I found bulbs that were five bucks a bulb. I ended up replacing ten bulbs in our house. Then we waited for the electricity bill to come in.

In the winter, our electricity bill is usually over a hundred dollars. This month our bill ran seventy-nine dollars. WOW! It definitely paid off. One more month like that and the bulbs are paid for.

The only thing to note is that the bulbs don't come on bright right away. They are dim at first and warm up. But a 100 watt bulb of this kind only uses 20 watts of electricity. A forty watt bulb only uses nine watts of electricity.

This is just something that I thought I would share with other people, so that they can look to save money also.